packadd! dracula syntax enable colorscheme dracula set hlsearch set nu set termguicolors highlight Normal ctermbg=None let &t_ZH="\e[3m" let &t_ZR="\e[23m"
主要是最下面四行配置,highlight Normal ctermbg=None能让vim的背景和iterm2的背景相同,最后两行能让一些奇怪的高亮恢复正常,还能显示斜体
Country Name (2 letter code) [XX]: CN State or Province Name (full name) []: Locality Name (eg, city) [Default City]: Organization Name (eg, company) [Default Company Ltd]: Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []: Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) []: localhost Email Address []:
看了一下,这些系统都是支持这台MacBook Air的,最新的10.14应该是这台电脑最高能升的系统了,以后再有新系统的更新估计就上不去了。我决定直接升级到10.11,于是找了一个10.11.6的系统镜像dmg文件,下了半天才下好,打开的时候却说什么“校验和”有问题,后来查了一下直接打开的时候点跳过就可以了,里面有一个Install OS X El,把它随便拖到一个文件夹里面。
之后sudo ./install,检查操作系统版本时会提出ubuntu not support,这里可以忽略,这里说的只是不提供支持,而不是不能够使用,intel官方回复说对centos系统提供较好的支持,但ubuntu也是能使用的。
The OpenCL™ implemenations themselves provided at the link are supported. Intel® CPU Runtime for OpenCL™ Applications on Ubuntu* OS is supported. This support is distinct from the 2017 SDK support.
The 2017 SDK is supported on CentOS*. It is expected compatible with Ubuntu* OS.
The semantic difference is that for supported there is an immediate paid path to get priority support and an intent to create service level agreements for CentOS* only. ‘supported’ is an overloaded word in the software industry… Hopefully the installer messaging will be more clear in the upcoming 2019 SDK.